Code Of Conduct
The Club’s Code Of Conduct set out below applies to all players, managers, coaches, club officials, spectators and parents / guardians. It is essential for the club to have a code of conduct which everyone connected with the Club follows if the Club wishes to retain F.A. Chartered Standard Status.
1. The Club is opposed to discrimination of any kind and will aim to treat everyone associated with the Club fairly and equally.
2. The Club aims to ensure that every child enjoys playing football and everyone connected with the Club will encourage all of the players and set a positive example for them to follow.
3. Burnham United Junior F.C. fully support all aspects of child protection. Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated and any instances will immediately be reported to the relevant authorities.
4. As a Club we will encourage fair play will show full respect to other clubs and match officials. Any player using foul language, being abusive or playing in a dangerous way, will be substituted and reported to the Club Committee. Any other person connected with the Club who uses foul language or is abusive will be reported to the Club Committee. If on Club property the person can be asked by the referee, the manager or any other Club official to leave the premises. If they fail to do so this would be reported to the police.
5. The decision of the referee and their assistants is final and should not be questioned by the players or anyone else connected with the Club.
6. Players must promptly pay any match or training fees applicable.
7. Parents / Guardians must check that the respective manager / coach is present before leaving their child and ensure that the child is picked up at the agreed time.
8. Players that are selected to play in a match must arrive on time and notify their manager / coach in good time if they are unable to attend.
9. All players must attend training sessions unless previously agreed with their manager / coach and should arrive on time.
10. Any decision made by the manager / coach in respect of the selection and running of a team should not be questioned in any way.
11. If a parent / guardian has any complaints they should submit these in writing to the Secretary of the Club who will ensure that the matter is raised with the Club’s Committee.
The Code Of Conduct is an attachment to the full rules of the Club which are available on request. Anyone who is prepared to abide by the Club rules will be very welcome at Burnham United Junior F.C. and we appreciate your cooperation.
Thank you very much for helping us run the Club in a way that complies with F.A. guidelines and which will enable us to retain our Charter Standard Status.